Sunday, February 22, 2009

Thank Heaven For Little Boys

There is something to be said for little boys and that born intuition to act "so boy". There have been many things here and there that I've noticed in Logan's 7 short months that tell me he is 100% boy. Like the other day when I burped out loud and Logan started laughing hysterically. Or how he can never seem to get out a sneeze or a cough without farting at the same time. Or mine and Taylor's favorite thing, which is  how he loves to growl at things. I often find him playing with his toys and growling at them. However, his favorite is when you interact with him and growl back. It It is so adorable to see this little tiny baby making these noises. As you can see from the video, Logan's arms and legs are constantly on the move. The kid never sits still. I'm sure once he learns to walk he will be just like every other little boy that runs around like crazy and never sits still. 

1 comment:

Angela said...

Finally, you posted something. Logan is adorable, but his mom is a really bad blogger, no offense. We should hang out sometime...uh...maybe next month? Brian's little brother is getting married in a couple weeks, and we're all booked up until then.