Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy Half Birthday

Happy New Year, and Happy Half Birthday to Logan. 6 months ago today at 5:44 pm we had a beautiful baby boy. It's hard to believe it's been 6 months already. I know this is totally cliche but I swear it was just yesterday that we brought him home from the hospital. Already in this short amount of time he has changed so so much. He used to scream his little head off pretty much every evening for the first two months. Now he is rarely fussy in the evenings. He loved to be held, then he hated to be held, and now don't even dream of setting him down and walking away or you're going to hear about it. His favorite things are peek-a-boo and the itsy bitsy spider. Of course, who doesn't love the itsy bitsy spider. And in honor of his birthday he decided to roll over from his back to his stomach for the first time today. Although, once he realized what he'd done he started crying because he HATES being on his stomach. Logan LOVES eating and so far his favorite food is sweet potatoes. Peas seem to be his least favorite. I don't blame him though. I got a little on my finger so I licked it off and never again will I subject myself to something that nasty. He loves to laugh and thinks his mom is the funniest. (I've trained him well) And he's totally ticklish on his neck. You're almost guaranteed a laugh with that one. I seriously LOVE every minute with this little guy and I can't wait to see what another 6 months will bring! 

1 comment:

G said...

Happy 6 Months! He knows who is favorite uncle is.